Novels by C. G. Blade
These one-of-a-kind science fiction/horror novels are sure to entertain you until the very end. Enjoy!
"I love creating the twisting, turning, and thrilling stories that you and I have never read or heard before."
Robotic Love, CG Blade, Storyteller
It has been my honor, privilege and great delight to have been chosen to narrate his incredible novels. I have never encountered anything like them before." NBH

Novels by Michael West
Michael West is the bestselling author of Cinema of Shadows, Spook House, The Wide Game, Skull Full of Kisses, and the critically-acclaimed Legacy of the Gods series.
Michael has been such a wonderful author to work with. It has been quite an adventure into the horror genre
and one which I have enjoyed very much.

Novels and short stories by Kathryn Meyer Griffith
Kathryn Meyer Griffith is a prolific author of great talent, and I consider it an honor for her to have selected me to narrate several of her books. To date, she has written and published 30 novels, ranging from The Spookie Town Mysteries, to horror and the supernatural.

And more noted authors

Coming in 2021
All of these audiobooks and more are available to purchase on Audible.com and Amazon.